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Are Dental Implants Dangerous

Nowadays, the best alternatives to natural teeth, implants are applied with 98% success rate all over the world. The biggest question in patients' minds is “Are dental implants dangerous?” Basically, we can answer the question, as they are not dangerous. However, we will discuss the situations in detail. Since titanium is generally used in implant teeth, no reaction is seen in patients. However, improper application and material selection cause damage to the implant.

Titanium used in the field of orthopaedics is also preferred as a production material for implants teeth. Since implants are integrated with the jawbone, in case of failure in the application or poor application, side effects may be seen. Even more implants in the mouth than the patient needs may cause adverse effects.

Implants produced with the bone-friendly titanium element have recently started to be made with other substances. Due to these materials used to commercial anxiety, problems with implants are inevitable. Improper implant use, not paying attention to oral care, implant brand, unconsciousness of the doctor may cause treatment problems. At that point, you may hear some false information about the treatment and ask if dental implants dangerous or not.

Implant damage due to improper implant selection and treatment errors:

Infection and inflammation

The damages of the implant include inflammation and infection of the surrounding teeth in some cases. Generally, infections that occur in the absence of attention to oral health are more common in patients with smoking habits and diabetes. In addition, this dangerous situation is not directly related to the dental implant. One may keep in mind that there is a risk of infection and inflammation in every operation.

Exposure of implants roots

If the implanted patient has problems such as gingival recession, the roots of the implant teeth may be exposed. In this case, bacterial accumulation and infection develops. Oral and dental care must be done carefully to prevent bacterial formation and to not jeopardize implant teeth.

Body rejection to dental implant

The most important of the damage to the implant is the rejection of the implant. If the immune system does not want an implant, tooth loss may occur. It is more common in people who are allergic to titanium, who grind their teeth and smoke.

Neural problems

Implant damages may include nerve damage after implant placement. In these patients, loss of sensation and pain in the gingiva may occur. Patients have a hard time eating, talking or shaving. This can be measured by the physician's experience. Physicians who are not experienced in implant treatment may cause nerve damage. So, finding the best dentist is a key point to eradicate this kind of danger.

Titanium allergy

Implant removal may require removal of the implant in people with titanium allergy. This situation can be seen especially in people with immune system problems. You should have allergy tests before you start to dental implant treatment. It is not a long process, yet plays significant role for your health and operation.

Yellow nail syndrome

This is a very rare medical syndrome. Implant tooth damage also includes yellow nail syndrome. When the implant is removed, the discomfort will disappear.

Fluoride reaction

When using fluoride toothpaste, it can be seen that titanium reacts with fluoride. You can overcome this condition, which is among the damages of dental implants, by removing your implants.

Implant failure and sinus problems

A condition to be seen as the side effects of the implant is sinus problems. In case of smoking and infection, the jawbone may have problems with the implant. In addition, the implants placed in the upper jaws cause sinus problems in some patients and are among the damages of the implant.

Implant damages may include injury to the blood vessels, or tingling in the affected areas. Also:

  • Bleeding, swelling, pain
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the lips due to nerve damage in the lower jaw
  • Air embolism
  • Damage to neighbouring teeth
  • Fracture formation, especially in the lower jaw
  • Implant in the body cavities such as intranasal escape
  • Sinusitis due to damage to the sinus membrane
  • Aspiration or ingestion of the implant or its parts
  • Opening of the incision lines
  • Dark reflection of the gingiva after the prosthesis in the anterior areas
  • Severe bleeding may be seen in the lower jaw due to damage of the veins in the tongue region.
  • Correct surgical procedures should be performed to prevent loss of implant teeth and other conditions due to implant damage. Otherwise, the lost teeth and bone structure are difficult to recover.

Nerve and tissue damage

The treatment of dental implants rarely involves nerve or tissue damage risks. may cause effects. The fact that your doctor is not experienced can cause nerve damage and nerve compression during anaesthesia, and may cause you to be unable to perform healthy eating, drinking, speaking and shaving.

Dentist Failures

Implant side effects and damage are directly proportional to the failure of dentist. If your dentist is not experienced, the desired result may not be obtained. In addition, implants that are over-applied may reduce the resistance of the jawbone. For example, if a treatment can be resolved with two implants, the dentist should not use four implants for this. The best dentist should tries to get the best result by keeping the implant number as low as possible.

Implant operations with commercial concern are both stressful and its results dangerous for the patients health. Specialists will eliminate the damage and side effects of the implant; will provide excellent teeth to the patient with fast operations. It is therefore important to choose a good dentist.

As a result, you will no longer need to ask, “Are dental implants are dangerous?” when you pay attention to all these steps. SOLVO Dental Implants always produces high quality and high-tech products that will fit from patient to patient. We also aim to reach qualified dental professionals through distributors. Thus, patients using SOLVO Dental Implants' materials will have healthy teeth for life unless a serious complication develops.